Nov 10, 2008

Nov 2008 - SF Int'l Latino Film Fest / Starz Denver Film Fest

Yes, our Bay Area premiere has finally arrived! We were accepted to the San Francisco International Latino Film Festival. We will screen on Tuesday, November 18 at the City College Library. I was a bit disappointed to have the Bay Area premiere be in a library--I want to celebrate!--so I'm putting on a second screening, in conjunction with the festival, which I'll consider the official Bay Area THEATRICAL premiere of American / Sandinista. So please come to:

The Roxie Theater (16th and Valencia)
Wed, November 19 - 6pm
Only $5!!

Afterward we will have a reception at a nearby bar or restaurant. More details to come...

Also, we have a screening in the prestigious Starz Denver Film Festival on November 22 and 23rd. I may attend, but probably not. If you or someone you know will be in Denver, please let me know and I'll get you tickets.

1 comment:

david reber said...


I live in SF and missed those screenings. I would like to see your film.

How do I do that?